Friday, November 2, 2007

Good Times in Iraq

There's been a lot of good news coming out of Iraq. Less killings, less of our troops getting hit. One would feel perfectly positive if it weren't for the State Department.

Yes, the State Department is having difficulty finding volunteers for its Iraq assignments, so it's decided to force its employees to go. They showed the resultant hand wringing on TV. One guy got up and cried about what would happen to his kids. The State Department workers don't seem quite as sanguine about Iraq as the news media.

Someone should explain to them that Blackwater is there to protect them, much as the State Department protects Blackwater. I refer of course to immunity granted by the State Department to those Blackwater employees responsible for the Nissour Square killings of seventeen innocent Iraqis.

And besides, what about patriotism? I'll bet you many of those same cry babies were supportive of the Iraq War, and even the ones who weren't probably never said a word.

Iraq is beautiful these days anyhow. Bring the family. Have a picnic. Enjoy the view.

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