Thursday, October 11, 2007

Coulter is a Four Letter Word

Ann Coulter's insufferable essays have appeared for years on the website of the Jewish World Review. David Horowitz's Front Page also has carried her work. They kept her on even after she claimed the entire Middle East should be Christian, and after her famous "fag" remark regarding John Edwards. Rabbi Daniel Lapin wrote an article once assuaging Orthodox Jews that wearing a miniskirt and a large cross does not make Coulter a bad person.

Of course, this past Monday, Coulter went on the Donnie Deutsch Show on CNBC and proclaimed that everyone ought to be Christian: "We just want Jews to be perfected, as they say."

My previous essay was about secrecy, but this one is about stupidity.

Jews perfected? Like, how?

It's not been any big secret that Coulter's essays have reflected a Dominionist perspective. Establishing a Christian Theocracy has always been a big part of her point of view. However, until she essentially wrote it out in big letters, until she said it V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y, it never quite telegraphed itself to a certain segment of her supporters.

Anyhow, the nazis used Eugenics as a roadmap to perfection. If only Deutsch had pressed her for details...

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