Friday, November 30, 2007

The American Flag

I send out packages to Japan every Christmas. We have Japanese friends and I try to buy them things that are specifically American. You have no idea how hard it is to do. Most of the junk we have here, you can find in Japan no problem. Thank you globalization.

I found a quilt on ebay which looked really cool and American. It had little flags on it and rather primitive looking log cabins. I won the bid and before I knew it, I was holding a plastic bag with a large "Made in china" label with the quilt neatly folded inside. Another thing I bought was a set of five really gaudy looking boxes, each with some American theme like The Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell. On each box was stamped a "Made in China" label.

I don't really know what to make of this. Yeah, it's fodder for jokes and cartoons, but in fact this isn't a joke or a cartoon. It's real life. I can't even peel those made in China stickers off. I'm sending my all American trinkets to Japan with label in tact. I give up. May as well fly the flag with a huge made in China stencil right across the middle stripe. It might not be patriotic, but it will be honest.

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