Friday, October 19, 2007

Values Voters

There's a convocation of so called Values Voters in Washington, DC. By and large, these are your far right republicans who can be characterized by being fanatically against abortion, but steadfastly for the war.

Except Rudy Giuliani, who fairly well concedes to having no chance with these people and sat this one out, the Republican candidates worked these crowds with the piousness of carnival barkers. With the exception of Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee, these are divorced white men. Romney, as a Mormon, might as well have horns on his head, or be black. I don't know WHAT he's thinking. He should accept Christ as his Savior and watch the support and the money roll in.

If there's any group of people who think the way these Values Voters do, it's those Taliban guys in Afghanistan. Once you get down to basic values, it's the value of being able to squeeze the life out of every idea different from your own which is paramount.

Ironically, the only true values candidate dropped out at the same time as everyone was gathering in Washington. Senator Brownback is one of them, a Values Guy, right wing, Christian, anti-abortion, pro-war. However, his campaign languished from lack of money and support. What it comes down to, Values Voters don't want to support just any values candidate, only one who could actually win.

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