Thursday, October 18, 2007

World War III

The other day at his press conference, President Bush made it seem as though if we have a Third World War, we can all blame it on Iran. It's just like the Iraq War was the fault of Saddam Hussein. You wonder, what's a pre-emptive war at a nuclear level? I guess it sort of makes the search for weapons of mass destruction moot if they're all vaporized.

A television program aired on PBS examining the legal efforts of Cheney's men to establish a unitary presidency, giving extraordinary powers to this man who threated Iran with a Third World War. I don't know about you, but I think it's sad when all that time and effort comes down with the guy you've been empowering doing a diplomatic stick out your tongue at a country which I think still fits in the third world category. But I guess it is a nuclear tongue.

Bush also made the usual remarks about diplomacy. This argument is astounding, given the fact that our country doesn't have diplomatic relations with Iran. We don't have diplomacy, but we do have the bomb. How gullible are we that we're supposed to think that we're going to use what we don't have, when we have a perfectly usable arsenal.

Ironically, around the same time as the press conference, Bush met with the Dalai Lama.

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